Updates and exchange of communication between the former members and scholars of the Friends of Germany, are nowadays possible through the Internet and Social Media. Am I glad that there are former students, who, from time to time, are sending simple messages and thank you notes to the initiator and to former sponsors. It is delightful and heartwarming to know that some do not forget the help extended to them. The sense of appreciation from the former scholars is the best fruit of this child-help project.
Seeing everyone struggling to uplift themselves from poverty reminds me of the difficult times I have been through some forty years ago. At a very young age, I had to work to earn money to be able to go to school. My mother had to give me away for the sake of my education. I am grateful though, that I experienced poverty. From that, I learned to treasure the little successes I have achieved.
I am still struggling. I have my profession. It is still not easy, but it comforts me that I have something in my pocket that nobody can take away from me. That is....EDUCATION!
To the former scholars and to Margie, please continue with your pursuits of higher education.