Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011

Friends of Germany turns 9

The Friends of Germany will be celebrating its 9th Year Anniversary in November 2011!

Program founder and initiator Mel K. feels both sadness and happiness reminiscing the hardships and success she encountered implementing her goals set for the project."People can be so destructive when it comes to envy", Mel said. Death threats in Quirangay, Camalig, Albay, and destructive criticisms of corrupt Barangay officials in 2005, forced her to leave the children in Camalig but she continued and still continues to help whenever she can.

"The worst is not the encountered financial difficulties but the inacceptance and lack of support from my own family. My relatives think that I am giving more to other people than helping my own bloodline", Mel said. "Added to that, some of the children and parents in Quirangay misunderstood my goals  but there are other children who were grateful and who understood my vision so that I continue to serve as a bridge to those who are needy and to those who are willing to help", Mel K. stated.  

Mel K.'s friends from Germany who continue to support her to finance the needs of Michael Blando, Margie and Marites Nacor include Fam. Fester, Fam. Klingler and Frau Christa Mehringer.