Mittwoch, 31. August 2011

My heartfelt gratitude!

I would like to thank Christa for letting me use her flat for three consecutive nights at the Heiglhofstrasse in Munich. I slept very well and had some time to relax after finishing my duties at G3 Klinikum Grosshadern.

I will be missing some of  my new friends. Time will tell if the friendship will truly last. Arsim, Nicole and Sophie are good comrades. Roland, my boss, will I never forget. To Frau Menacher, the one who gave me the trust and job in Munich last April 2011, my heartfelt gratitude.

I am very lucky because Christa is around in Munich. Without her, I would really feel at lost in here. She is a very dear friend. Always supportive and helpful in any way she can.

Mara, Günter, Isolde, Annamarie, Dominik, Tobias and Luzie from Olching are also giving me their moral support nowadays.

Anke and Carmen, the good, old friends from Old Heidelberg, are still very helpful to me. What a lucky person I am.

Thank you, guys, from the bottom of my heart.